The project was implemented between March 2008 and October 2009 in partnership with: Association of Persons Wronged by Big Supermarket Chains “Biedronka”, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Feminoteka, legal firms providing assistance for supermarkets’ employees whose rights had been breached and Trade Unions (The All Alliance of Trade Union (OPZZ) and The Independent Trade Union “Solidarność”).
What was the main objective of the project:
The project aimed at changing permanently the employment environment in Poland in order to strengthen the protection of labour rights of workers employed in the super/hypermarkets chains and to empower them to exercise their rights. An important gender aspect of this project is the fact that up to 90% of all super/hypermarkets employees are women.
How were we working:
The project was implemented through lobbying and building social support for the recommendations developed by the partners involved in the project.
Main activities:
• establishing the Strategic Action Advise Body (SAAB) and organizing its two working meetings
• conducting sociological research and completing the report on the working conditions of women employed in super/hyper markets
• workshops for women leaders of employees’ movements and trade unions operating in super/hypermarkets in Poland
• publication and dissemination of two reports: “Work conditions and respecting of employees’ rights in supermarkets in Poland from the gender equality perspective” analysing the cases of workers’ rights violation and identifying the weak points of law related to working conditions; and “Research report: Situation of female employees in the super and hyper-markets” describing data gathered during focus groups with female employees of supermarkets and hypermarkets.
• the seminar for the trade unions, NGOs and experts dealing with employees and women’s rights
• the round table for super/hypermarkets’ employers, state and labour market institutions, trade unions and NGO
More about the activities within the project read HERE
In English:
• Situation of female employees in super- and hypermarkets. Research report.
• Women organising for changes in working conditions – Biedronka case
• Case studies in women’s empowerment. A story from Eastern Europe
In Polish
Sytuacja pracownic super- i hipermarketów. Raport z badania
Dyskryminacja, mobbing, molestowanie seksualne kobiet w super – i hipermarketach.
Pracując w supermarkecie masz prawo. Ulotka
Kobiety o swojej pracy w supermarketach. Raport z badania.
In Russian: